j3fton on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/j3fton/art/Wedding-invitation-70039482j3fton

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j3fton's avatar

Wedding invitation



The invitation i designed for my sister's wedding =p
it uses a Burgopak© packaging system where if u pull one end, the other comes out at the same time. You can find more information about Burgopak here: [link]
Image size
1258x574px 434.26 KB
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Wow, this is a magical idea. Why I didn't catch sight of the invitation card design before. My wedding was three years ago, and we tried to make it in the most eco-friendly style. Even as a venue, we chose a mountain reserve https://www.elopetogatlinburg.com/cabin-weddings. We had fresh flowers everywhere, wooden stands, and lots of candles for decoration. And as a gift, my wife decided to give me a honey jar in a craft package. Only we didn't have enough time to make the perfect invitations for our theme. But your idea in a different color scheme would be perfect.